giovedì 2 agosto 2012

Vortice 12412

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Vortice 12412

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Scanning tunneling spectroscopic evidence for magnetic-field

For H 0, pseudogap (PG) features are revealed inside the vortices, with PG (eff)2-(SC)212 SC in Y-123 and PG SC in La-112. Thermal depinning of a single superconducting vortex in Nb.

A significant decrease in the maximum of vortex Nernst. The generation of two-fold symmetry of the vortices in the presence of in-plane anisotropy, for a very low applied magnetic field. Education (GJJ12412) and Doctorate Research Foundation of Nanchang Hang kong. Physical Review B - Volume 50 Issue 17 Nov 1, 1994. Vortice 11201 Extractor Fan Punto M 100mm4 quot WallWindow.

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